Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson plays as Edward Cullen in Twilight...1 of thee best movies ever!!!! He has an awesome and waz born in London, England!!!! He will be playing the same role in the 2nd movie followed by Twilight...New Moon! Can't wait 2 c it. Robert plays a vampire in Twilight. His mother worked for a modeling angency and his father imported vintage cars from the U.S. Robert was involved in theater through the Barnes Theater Company. An acting angent saw him and began looking for professional roles for Rob! He waz also involed in modeling when he 12! 4 years later he decided to quit cause this wasnt working out for him. So...he decided that he'd prefer acting much over modeling. Now he is a big actor..thanks to what happened when he was :)!!

Fun Facts:He plays the guitar and piano and makes his own music!!! 1 of the songs on the Twilight soundrack...Never Think..he made with Sam Bradely!!!

           Rob's Haircut!